We’ve barely had time to breathe here at Indie Studio Drummer, so much has happened since August. Here’s a wrap-up of highlights:
- Our first Grammy-nominated album! Kanye West and Jay-Z’s Platinum-selling and #1 charting disc Watch the Throne is up for several Grammies this year. Our resident session drummer Dylan Wissing performs on the track “Prime Time” (along with producer/mixer/musician extraordinaire Ken Lewis), and is included in the “Best Rap Album” category. We’ll be watching closely on February 12th!
Playing drums on Drake‘s #1 charting (and I believe Platinum-selling by this point) album Take Care.We’re on the track “Lord Knows” along with special guest Rick Ross. And speaking of the Boss…
- That’s our resident session drummer Dylan Wissing on Rick Ross‘s latest single “I Love My Bitches” (title blank out on the headline in case Mom happens to look at the site…). Rick’s full-length album God Forgives, I Don’t is due later this year.
- Thanks to Hurricane Irene, Indie Studio Drummer has a new home at Triple Colossal Studios in Hoboken, New Jersey! The new space sounds great, is double the size, gives us the ability to record full bands, in a great location, and with lots of storage for our extensive collection of new and vintage drums, cymbals, percussion, mics and recording gear. A proper website coming soon, as soon as we finish sorting out details from the physical world and take care of the tracking backlog…
- A LOT of time over the past several months has been devoted to designing, renovating and building the new studio (first two sessions are officially out the door this week, more following closely on their heels), salvaging what could be salvaged from the old studio, and replacing a mountain of gear (which was pretty fun, we must confess – HIGHLY recommend that all musicians get their equipment insured in case this happens to you!). In between demolition, hammering, painting and wiring we’ve recorded tracks for several artists (a BIG thanks to Dan McGloughlin at the Vault in Hoboken NJ for taking care of us while the studio was out of commission!), toured the US and Europe with Blues/Soul artist Kirsten Thien, performed and recorded around NYC with rocker Foster McGinty and singer/songwriters Galia Arad and Cordelia Stephens, and throughout it all chased after a toddler who doesn’t really care how late Daddy got home from the studio. It’s been a crazy year, but a great one overall!